
Total Solution


  • Residential BESS Solutions

    The MelemLiFe series residential BESS perfect integrates green energy and hybrid inverters to realize intelligent control of loads and power-off protection, maximizing output of energy and increasing self-use rate of energy. Residential optical storage solutions include off-grid optical storage systems, off-grid hybrid optical storage systems, and off-grid optical and firewood storage systems. For residential users, the MelemLiFe optical storage system can be equipped with charging piles or directly supply power to high-power-consuming equipment such as triple heating pumps, reducing electricity costs and providing owners with energy independence and the best user experience.

  • Industrial&Commercial BESS Solutions

    As the power market reform gradually deepens and the peak-to-valley price difference widens, industrial and commercial energy storage has more application models and profit margins. MelemLiFe industrial and commercial energy storage solutions use the smart clean energy management system EMS to flexibly formulate system operation strategies and improve the economic benefits of energy storage systems in application scenarios such as peak shaving and valley filling, demand response, demand control, power spot market transactions, and emergency power supplies. , based on safety, increasing the investment value of energy storage projects.

  • Power Side BESS Solutions

    The main application of energy storage on the new energy power generation side is energy time shifting. By charging and discharging at different periods of time, the volatility of new energy is smoothed, the consumption capacity is improved, and peak shaving and valley filling are achieved. Regarding the demand for energy storage applications on the power generation side, on the one hand, charging and discharging should be carried out based on the power limit of new energy power generation to promote the consumption of new energy. On the other hand, two profit scenarios of power prediction and power trading can be combined to ensure the income of energy storage users on the power generation side. . Utilizing the advantages of energy storage frequency regulation to smooth the fluctuations of new energy requires continuous practice and improvement through large-scale application.

  • Grid Side BESS Solution

    On the grid side, the main applications of energy storage include peak shaving, frequency modulation, backup power and other power services. By accepting dispatch from power dispatching agencies and responding to the flexible needs of the power grid, it plays an overall and systemic role. MelemLiFe uses a real-time database combined with a time-series database to optimize the processing and storage of millions of points of data, improving the regional power supply capacity and the flexible adjustment ability of the power grid. It is also equipped with an energy storage coordination controller to provide primary frequency regulation services for power grid operation. At the same time, when a systemic failure of the power grid requires restarting, the energy storage power station can be used as a backup power supply to transmit power to the grid without relying on external power, gradually restoring system operation and orderly power supply, reducing the impact on the power grid, and ensuring grid security and work efficiently.



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